Andrew George is an innovative strategic thinker with considerable experience in higher education, medical research, research ethics and international partnerships. He has occupied senior roles at Imperial College London and Brunel University London, where he was Deputy Vice Chancellor responsible for education, international partnerships and strategic projects.

He has a variety of non-executive roles in the NHS, education and charity sectors and has contributed to research governance, in particular research ethics and integrity. He has worked closely with business to address their needs, and to ensure that students are prepared for successful careers following graduation.

In addition to his leadership roles, Andrew is internationally recognised for his immunological research. His work was characterised by seeking innovative opportunities through collaborating across disciplinary boundaries.

Andrew is an inspirational speaker to a wide variety of audiences and contributes to the national debate on education through his blog posts and conference talks. He believes passionately in developing members of his team so that they can fulfil their potential.


Andrew can act as a consult or undertake project work in areas of education, research (including links to industry) and research ethics. He also has experience of building international partnerships.

He chaired the expert group who helped shape the ‘Make it Public’ strategy on research transparency for health and social care research in the NHS. This was led by the Health Research Authority but involved a wide range of stakeholders, both in the expert group and through a wider consultation.

He was the independent Chair of the Integrated Impact Assessment Steering Group for ‘Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030’, which assessed the impact of potential changes in acute services at Epsom and St Helier hospitals on communities in Merton, Sutton and Surrey Downs.


Andrew has extensive governance experience as a director, school and college governor, and a charity trustee. He has acted as chair of committees (including quality and standards, research, remuneration and performance assurance) and has served on a range of other committees (including audit).

He is Co-chair of the UK Committee on Research Integrity, and Oxleas NHS FT. He was a Trustee of the Epilepsy Society and a non-executive Director of Health Education England (which trains and educates the NHS workforce of England), the Health Research Authority (the regulator of clinical research in the UK) and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (which provides mental health and learning disability services).

In the past he has been Chair of Imperial College Health Partners (the Academic Health Sciences Network for North West London), a governor of John Hampden School, a Director of West London Business and a Trustee of Action Medical Research.


Andrew coaches individuals who want to develop their careers or improve how their performance in their current roles. He will work to help you identify the key issues that you have, and help you address them. Andrew provides and empathic and supportive environment for people who want to unlock their potential.


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